By: Shahrzad Taavoni, LA.c, Dipl OM, MACHM, B.S.
Acupuncture involves inserting very thin needles at specific points on the body, primarily to treat pain. It is believed that these acupuncture points stimulate the central nervous system, releasing chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. By targeting specific points along the meridians, acupuncture is thought to improve the flow of blocked or stagnant qi, unblocking these pathways to restore qi movement and enhance health. Qi flows through the body via 14 meridian channels, delivering energy to organs, structures, and systems. When qi flows smoothly along these meridians, a person is considered to be in balance.
Acupuncture is known to treat various pain ailments, including musculoskeletal pain such as back, shoulder, neck pain, and muscle cramping. It also helps with joint pain, including ankle pain, knee pain, and arthritis-related hand pain. Additionally, acupuncture effectively treats chronic headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow.
If you’re interested in scheduling an acupuncture appointment or a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation, call us today. Our office is located in Towson, Maryland, in the Baltimore region.